Registered Nurse Strike Teams (RNST)
- To provide surge nursing staff for an Emergency Department or specialty area [ICU, burn unit, etc.] nursing staff, to a disaster inundated or impacted
- Rapidly deployable, [24/7] statewide response asset
- A strike team is composed of [5] registered nurses able to augment a requesting facility’s staffing with credentialed nursing staff. [Requested RNST will adhere to requesting facility’s disaster credentialing processes & policies]
- Over 175 Hospitals & Healthcare Systems provide the deployable team members who are actively practicing clinicians.
- RNSTs are rostered in all [8] TX EMTF Regions.
- A strike team is staffed with 5 registered nurses of the same specialty with one team member designated as the Strike Team Leader.
- RNSTs are comprised of team members that are actively practicing in the team’s designated clinical setting.
- Current RNSTs include the following specialties:
- Emergency Department
- Internal Medicine/Surgical
- Pediatrics
- Labor & Delivery
- Intensive Care Unit
- Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
- Burn Unit
- Current RNSTs include the following specialties: