Air Medical Strike Team


  • Primary mission is to provide medical transport & evacuation services during a large-scale disaster of highly complex, critically ill individuals in harms way.  Additionally used to evacuate critical patients that cannot readily be evacuated by ground resources.
  • Secondary missions include short missions from a medical facility to an airport for large scale fixed wing transport during initial evacuations as well as in affected communities after the incident as well as supporting urban search and rescue with patient transport from heavily affected areas.
  • Strike teams are being incorporated into regional response plans as a state resource for specific critical care transport missions and resource movement during initial response phases of no-notice events.


  • Critical care RN and Paramedic crews that work daily in local emergency healthcare systems.
  • Rotor-wing or fixed wing air when forward deployed and staged that can handle the staging and air operations functions.
  • The majority of air medical providers are TX EMTF members and any air medical provider (fixed wing or rotor wing) is eligible to become members at anytime.


  • Rotor Wing 
    • TX EMTF rotor wing air ambulances are staffed with critical care trained and experienced EMT-Paramedic and Nurse alongside a highly qualified pilot. 

  • Fixed Wing Air Ambulance
    • TX EMTF fixed wing air ambulances are staffed with critical care trained and experienced EMT-Paramedic and Nurse alongside a highly qualified pilot.

  • Staffing of both types may be augmented with additional personnel such as a physician, respiratory therapist, perfusionist, etc based upon the needs of the patient being transported.