Medical Incident Support Team (MIST)
Trained acute healthcare leadership providing Health and Medical subject-matter expertise & support to local jurisdictions, healthcare facilities & local health care infrastructure during disasters.
- Rapidly deployable, 24/7 statewide response asset.
- MIST deploy to impacted emergency & medical operations centers, & DDCs to provide integrated ESF-8 [Public Health & Medical] support to authorities, government agencies, hospitals, & state, regional, / local response partners during incidents.
- MIST personnel are selected & received specialized training. TX EMTF MIST members come from the leadership of EMS, Fire, & Hospital member entities.
- Each of the [8] EMTF Regions rosters MIST personnel.
- Staffing is based upon personnel needs by location & are typed as teams of [2] or [6] personnel, [1] of which is designated as the Team Leader.
- MIST personnel come from all component & mission profiles to cover the full spectrum of ESF-8 activations the TX EMTF responds to.
Specialized components / mission profiles include but are not limited to:
- TX EMTF Overhead Team staff
- Incident command posts & emergency &medical operations center liaisons / support
- Wildland fire support
- Hospital, nursing home, / assisted livingcenter evacuations
- Infectious disease response
- Mass fatality response, etc.